Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are born to Sweet Delight,
Some are born to Endless Night.
William Blake

Perhaps there should be a romanticism here. Perhaps there should be a canon of beauty, even if it is hell. The bodies of Greek sculptures, pagan gods, strength, proportions. Man cannot live without beauty, we see beauty in everything, it teaches us compassion, sometimes we feel compassion even for monsters, just paint a monster beautiful, that's how man is built, otherwise how can we live? But that's probably not what my painting is about, just a Valkyrie with a child under her heart standing with her back to the action in hell. Nature in her face, against the action in the painting. She's a woman and she's nature and she's against the concept of hell. She will not give up her child to be torn apart.

150 cm width 200 cm height

150 cm width 200 cm height

220 cm height 150 cm width